Friday, November 2, 2007

Hunger and Thirst

A mom has to be an available servant 24 hours a day. The kids have to know she is THERE. I cannot do this of my own strength. How can I fill their hungers and thirsts and needs when I have my own hungers and thirsts? But to be available for them is to love them. I heard the other night on the radio (Tony Evans) that true love is sacrifice, and it has to hurt in order for it to be love. The greatest love for us was shown to us by God's only son Jesus who gave his life up for us. that would be the essence of love. I have trouble giving up my right to myself and sacrificing it for my husband and the kids. My prayer request is that my heart would soften (Ezekiel 36:26) and become a heart of flesh rather than one of stone. My soul hungers and thirsts (Psalm 84) only God can satisfy that thirst. I seek to satisfy that thirst in a shopping trip or a zillion cups of coffee or a diet coke or not sharing my popcorn, can you believe that. But it doesn't work. No shopping trip will satisfy. No cup of coffee can satisfy. I confess I seek satisfaction in those silly things. Please pray that my heart and thirst and hungers will be satisfied with Jesus and with gladly bearing my burdens at home.
Until next time, humbly, Lisa

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