Monday, October 15, 2007

Grocery Store Checkout

I am about ready to boycott the grocery stores. Does the world think that we will not live a day longer if we don't read the latest on Britney, Angelina, Brad, or Jennifer? Is waiting in line at the checkout counter so unbelievably insufferable that we need to read this stuff in order to survive it? You're a captive audience, I guess is what they're thinking, and also that I better buy this magazine b/c I keep thumbing through it and am going to smudge it and that means I have to pay for it .....??? I was waiting at the dentist's office today for my appointment and all they had to read was Car and Driver, Outdoorsman, and People magazine. So I selected People - on the cover, it said, breathlessly, "Yes, she IS pregnant!" (Jennifer Lopez). I guess this is traffic-stopping news.
Yet I can't say I don't read these magazines, after all I picked it up at Dr. M's office. But they're all wrong. The good news is NOT that she is having a baby, although that is fine. The good news is that there is a Savior. But you wouldn't know that from anything you read today. I keep getting sucked in, though, by the immediacy and the urgent nature of the headlines. I MUST read this. I MUST find out what is happening with these celebrities, these important people. What if they put out a headline that said: "HE IS RISEN!" "YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"! Prob'ly wouldn't sell.
Until next time, Lisa

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