Sunday, December 30, 2007

Boasting in our Weaknesses?

2 Corinthians 12:9 And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

I have never really understood this verse. When I think about bragging about (or even just admitting) my weaknesses, it makes me feel very vulnerable. About three years ago, I finally opened up to a few people about a thorn in my flesh that I have had since I was 20. This confession unearthed a flood of criticism, piercing questions, and anger in those to whom I confided. I agreed to get help for this condition. But a few weeks later when circumstances intervened and I did not seek the help I had agreed to, the criticism increased two-fold and the support disappeared. In summary, I got "burned" by my loved ones.

So why on earth should I admit my weaknesses? I vowed at that time never to discuss my problems again with anybody. I would deal with them on my own. I would be a lone ranger. And I have to say that has continued to today. I have failed to trust God in 2 Corinthians 12:9 because I am not believing His promise - that the power of Christ will dwell in me if I boast about my weaknesses.

The earthly criticism that was unleashed on me contained this theme: "How could you be so weak. What is your problem? Just fix the problem. Just quit doing it. Just tough it out. Just quit being such a weakling. Quit crying. Move on.

And on and on.

The theme of physical weakness/thorn-in-the-flesh/addiction is one that resonates powerfully for me. In the next few postings, I would like to explore this theme and pursue this in a personal way. Could it be that the Lord is waiting to release me from the power of the thorns in my flesh? I have such a hard time with this thought because the ridicule from others when I admitted my thorn -- was too great. I could not stand it. I ended up saying, "Never mind" a la that misunderstood Gilda Radner character from Saturday Night Live, Emily Litella. I actually felt like sticking a few thorns in the sides of those who ridiculed me.

Dear Lord, open the eyes of my heart. Help me to understand this passage. Am I the only one who does not understand it? It makes no earthly sense. How do I brag in my addictions/compulsions/weaknesses? My heart cries out for understanding.

Song for Today: "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord; open the eyes of my heart; I want to see you. See you high and lifted up -- shining in the light of your glory. Hold out your power and love and we sing holy, holy, holy. "

Raising my arms to the heavens further weakens me as I make myself vulnerable. No arms clenched by my sides. No, they are up in the air giving glory to God. What a fool! Says the world. Save yourself, you fool, they say. Just tough it out. Don't admit your weakness.

But the verse says, "For My strength is made perfect in weakness." Do I trust in my accusers? Or in God?


Matthew 6: 25-30 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor was not dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

We all worry too much. I certainly include myself in that. I can't tell you how many hours of sleep I lost this summer because of the tree house. How silly is that? Why would anyone lose sleep over a tree house? Each of us has our own particular areas that we worry about for no good reason but we do. It is just like a phobia. Why would someone be afraid of a spider or a mouse who can basically do us no harm?

The bottom line as it states here is Faith. It is a question at least in part of Faith. It is lacking in some areas of our lives and where one person worries about one thing and someone else about another. They are both about Faith. When Peter as he walked out upon the water took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink, he lost his Faith because his focus was on the water and himself and no longer on Jesus.

We need to refocus ourselves back onto Jesus in times when we begin to worry. Most of the things we worry about are very unimportant and things we will not remember a year from now. Let us try to give our worries to him who promises to take them and to take care of our basic needs.

Hymn of the Day: "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus".

What is Love? A Heart....and other thoughts

1Cor. 13: 3-8a "If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Dear Lisa, in our busy lives we may not look terribly like a couple in love. In truth we do need to spend much more time together, but looking or reviewing these lines of love by Paul, I -- for one -- can say that my love is growing steadily for you. It may not be evident. It does say love is patient, but it also says that love is protection, trusting, hoping, and always perseveres. Love does not fail. The truth is that our love in all circumstances is God ordained and thus will never fail. I love you more today than when we were first married.

Dear Tom, Jenna has been known to say, "Love is a heart." Or, "Love is a hug." Perhaps the metaphor is generalized a bit in her nearly-three-year-old mind, but the essence of the image is good. We can show our love with a hug or by drawing a heart. Or, we can show our love by doing something undesirable for one another - such as taking out the trash or putting the dishes away or another chore that's "not my job". Love is sacrifice and doing things that might even HURT. It hurts to be kind to you when you are gone all day and you come home too tired to help out much around the house. It hurts to take the trash down that long, long driveway in the blinding wind and rain.

Writing these suggestions down even hurts. I don't want to do them. Dear Lord, I pray that you would soften my heart (Ezekiel 36:26) so that I will be willing to sacrifice my lazy desires. Help me to say "no" to "no" and say "yes" to "yes". Even when it hurts.

Love is a heart....all mangled and broken and smudged is a hug.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

When Should We Praise God?

Psalm 113: 1-6
Praise the Lord. Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?

First and foremost in our lives should be praise to God. Who should praise him? Any who are servants of the Lord which would include all believers and any who believe because of the glory of God seen in nature. When should we praise him? For all time and all day from the time we get up to the time we fall asleep. The Lord is to be praised above all nations, he is Lord over all nations and therefore is more important than the individual nations. He is enthroned which means that he is the King of all Kings. He is over all including the heavens and earth.

How could we dismiss or ignore the creator of all? Let us get down on our knees and praise our Lord everyday with awe and humbleness knowing that all we have and all that we can see is a gift from God.

Dear Lord, thank you for being the King of Kings. Everything is a gift...from You! Help us to remember that daily. Amen.

4-Year-Old Teaches Me What It Means to Worship

Those Pre-K kids have done it again. Taught me something I really and truly did not know. We were sitting there in class and this one particular child, who is prone to asking such questions that make me want to yell, "Help!", stopped me cold by asking, "Well, just what does it MEAN to worship?"

So of course I said, well, it means to honor God through our singing and our praising Him and our coming to church and our bowing before His throne. We show God who He is by our act of worship.

This little girl got a glazed look in her eyes and just sort of shook her head at me and then we went on to eating our animal crackers and so forth and so on. All I could think was, "I've LOST her! Woe is me!"

I went home and looked up the meaning of worship. One definition, from (David DePra, author) says this about worship:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, because of the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, which is holy and acceptable unto God. Such a surrender is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Rom 12:1-2)

This passage from Romans not only tells us the nature of true worship, but gives us the results. This is a passage which all Christians ought to meditate upon. It is one of those key Bible passages which should stand front and center in our Christian walk.

Generally speaking, the word "worship" in the Bible is translated from the Greek word, "proskuneo," which means, "to do reverence to." You can see that this Greek word is behind our English word, "prostrate" – in the sense of laying face down (prostrating oneself) and worshipping. There are other words in Greek which are translated, "worship," in the Bible, but "proskuneo" is the most common one.

"To worship," really means, "to be devoted to." It speaks of who I serve with my life – of who governs my life. Worship is more than just praising with words – as sincere as those words might be. It means more than just acknowledging God’s greatness. To worship God means to become devoted to God because of His greatness, and to become governed by His greatness to the point where I LIVE FOR HIM.

There's no way I could have said all THAT to a 4 year old, but this explanation reminded me of something I keep seeing in Cubbies: one little boy, when asked to get ready for prayer, simply throws himself FLAT on his belly on the ground and folds his hands and shuts his eyes.

Mind you, this is probably our most physically active and hard-to-control Cubbie. He comes to AWANAs ready to roll. In fact, one day during free time, he suddenly started hurtling himself, hard, at the walls of the room, over and over -- I stopped him and said, "What are you DOING?" and he replied, "I just feel like I need to bang into the wall."

But I think when he lies down prostrate and folds his chubby little hands and drops his sweaty head onto that dirty carpet, he is readying himself to worship God.


Psalm 108:6-9

Psalm 108: 6-9

Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered. God has spoken from his sanctuary: In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Succoth. Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet, Judah my scepter. Moab is my washbasin, upon Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph."

Wow, this one is deep today. Here to start is a normal plea that hopefully we all make to pray for those we know do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. We know that we can bring forth our requests often and continually and if it is his will he will answer positively those prayers.

In verse 7 it says, "God has spoken." God promised the son of Jesse great blessings. Any divine revelation should be a great joy. God had spoken to him through the mouth of Nathan. "I will divide Shechem" means that at home, foes must be dislodged from Israel's territory, and lands will be properly settled and managed. "In the valley of Succoth" means that the lands across the Jordan must also be made safe especially against marauders.

The next portion is a prayer of thanks to God. Gilead and Manasseh are lands promised to them by God and they now have them. Ephraim was a tribe who furnished David with more than twenty thousand mighty men of valour. Judah is where David seated the government and chief courts of justice. No other tribe could govern but Judah. Moab opposed Israel; therefore, David claims victory over them by faith before it is done. Even though Edom is strong and proud and powerful David says he will just throw his shoe at them like they are really no threat. He is saying that most people make too much of God's foes. Over Philistia he once conquered it as a youth and will do so again.

Daily Thought: I guess the bottom line here is if God is for us who can be against us. Praise God and his promises.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Broken Spirit/Contrite Heart Psalm 51:17

Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart....

Wesley says, "This (broken spirit) is of more value than many sacrifices."

Matthew Henry offers this commentary: (from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary)
Those who are thoroughly convinced of their misery and danger by sin, would spare no cost to obtain the remission of it. But as they cannot make satisfaction for sin, so God cannot take any satisfaction in them, otherwise than as expressing love and duty to him. The good work wrought in every true penitent, is a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, and sorrow for sin. It is a heart that is tender, and pliable to God's word. Oh that there were such a heart in every one of us! God is graciously pleased to accept this; it is instead of all burnt-offering and sacrifice. The broken heart is acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ; there is no true repentance without faith in him. Men despise that which is broken, but God will not. He will not overlook it, he will not refuse or reject it; though it makes God no satisfaction for the wrong done to him by sin. Those who have been in spiritual troubles, know how to pity and pray for others afflicted in like manner. David was afraid lest his sin should bring judgements upon the city and kingdom. No personal fears or troubles of conscience can make the soul, which has received grace, careless about the interests of the church of God. And let this be the continued joy of all the redeemed, that they have redemption through the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.

Why, you ask, the long sermon today? Yesterday things all came down to a screeching halt for me emotionally and mentally. The kids were rowdy, homeschooling was going dismally, and, to boot, it was raining! AND the dogs were going to the bathroom in the house again!!!!! My life has seemed lately to be a circuitous route of cleaning up dog doo-doo, cleaning up after kids, making a meal which the kids won't eat, not able to go out because our driveway is nearly flooded again, kids arguing, Josh bouncing off the walls because he can't play outside, dogs fighting and barking, me worrying about gettting depressed this winter which usually happens to me, etc etc and on and on and so forth and so on........ just unbelievable fatigue and then despair. (BTW we read last night in "THE BOOK OF NIGHT" that not getting enough sleep is like the worst thing that can happen to a body....Tom and I were gravely nodding our heads in agreement on that one).
Anyway, in the midst of this, I felt descending upon me those twin evils .... of bitterness and resentment. They are a bad, bad combination. I felt it toward Tom for some reason. I just could not be kind toward him. I blamed all my daily troubles on him.
And I knew it was wrong. Those twins are worse than any daily hassles or struggles that befall any of us.
And I had to confess it. To Tom and to God.
And then the verse, above, came to me. (see why AWANA is so important? The exact verse you need comes to you when you need it, just when you need it ..... so bury those verses in your heart....just like the children do.)
My heart is broken and my spirit is broken and God will not despise that. We no longer need to bring sacrifices of turtledoves and pigeons or lambs or jewelry into the temple. We simply need to drop our broken tattered hearts and souls at the altar of prayer.
So I did that yesterday morning. But when Tom got home last night I felt it again! There was more doggie doo-doo! More rain! Kids were being disrespectful! ARgghhhhhh!
So I am confessing it again. I know His word is true, the sacrifices of a broken spirit and a contrite heart are pleasing to God. He will not despise that. Please forgive me for these twin evils of bitterness and resentment because they are worse than anything bad the kids will do. Any song I sing, any act of service, will be pleasing to the Lord but right now this confession is all He wants of me. So, I'm sorry. Please, Lord, forgive me....please, tom, forgive me.
Humbly submitted, Lisa

Monday, November 12, 2007

Praise for Sisters and Singing

I achieved one of my life's goals this weekend. To stand around the piano and sing with my sisters. We had a small party for Sean, age 7, and at the end several of the sisters went into the piano room and had a slight jam session of singing hymns and praises to God. By the time it was over I was sweating and absolutely FILLED with the Holy Spirit. Just on a spiritual high. I got to sing, harmonize, (make lots of mistakes) with Robin, CCW, and Jennybeale. I was so happy I almost could not stand it. Ever felt that way? It was a lifelong dream!!!!!!! Thanks you guys!
Thanks, Mom, for buying that piano umpteen years ago and letting us learn and teach ourselves piano and play and praise God with that instrument. Thanks for not saying "turn that off" or "you're too loud" but letting us develop a concert of praise in our own living room while growing up. Now, how many years later, I am plunking away, re-learning the craft, and then miraculously one night Tom and I watched amazed as Debbie created and sang her own song of praise to God right in front of us. Now that is a legacy that you want to get passed on to 3 generations. The singing of praises. This is the work of a spiritual warrior. As Joshua told his people to march around Jericho and worship quietly x 7 days, then on the 7th day -- to shout and praise God --- for the victory is ours!!!!!!!! Lift up your arms and praise with those weapons -- the uplifted hands and feet firmly planted on YOUR promises!!!!!!! Praise God!!! From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!!
love, lisa......humbly

The Dichotomy of Life

From Tom:
First, the praises and thanksgiving.
We are blessed daily with the early-morning awakening of delightful Jenna and the subsequent awakening of our two other angelic children, Josh and Debbie. How fresh and fluffy they look when they get up, all full of promise and expectancy for the day. Our praise today is : thanks to our circumstances that we have the opportunity to be with them 24 hours a day (Tom when he gets home) and be the recipients of these joy-filled gifts from God. Too many adults don't get the joy of holding a small child.
Psalm 119:73-77 Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word. I know, O Lord, that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me. May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. Let your compassion come to me that I may live for your law is my delight.

Now, the other side, of the realities of day to day life .....

This is sort of the process we are going through. First we know what God's laws are. Be a servant, be humble, be meek, be generous with good cheer, be kind, do not exasperate your children, take care of the needs of others, do not worry, do not bear grudges, forgive others as I first forgave you, Love others as I first loved you etc.
These are all fine qualities but when real life occurs it is hard to willingly put these into practice. It is hard when you have only had five hours of interrupted sleep to be rejoiceful and pleasant to your children when all three are asking for snacks right after the meal where they have refused to consume it. It is hard to be nice and not yell when the three kids and three dogs are all fighting and have totally messed up the house. It is hard not to be bitter towards your spouse when they are not helping in the daily housework and are doing something with their friends while you are still in charge of the house and kids after already doing this task for the last ten hours. So Lord as it says here allow your unfailing love to enable us to overcome life's ugly details and help us to have your heart and mind in dealing with these situations that seem to be far above our ability to deal with.
Sincerely, Tom

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Broken Neck/Broken Body/Healed Heart

I am glad that children take things so literally. For them, it seems, the part is the same as the whole. This helps us to understand the verse that my kids learned in Awanas that says if you break one part of the law, you are guilty of breaking ALL of it. Maybe I am extrapolating the analogy incorrectly, but let me explain and see if these little cherubs do not show me a wisdom that I will never have.
As some of you know, I have struggled for a few years now with bulging disks in my cervical spine/"neck". After x-ray and MRI, it was treated with traction, heat, physical therapy and rest with a cervical pillow at night. Medications, by the way, do not help. At least did not help me. Anyway, the neck has been feeling better the past year. But -- prob'ly with the stress of homeschooling, etc., the ol' pain in the neck has resurfaced. This has put an end to the kids' practice of sitting on the back of the armchair while I read to all three. The method helps all 3 get a good view of the book, but the one at the back of the armchair inevitably ends up sliding down and basically sitting on my neck and straining it.
So lately I have been saying, don't sit on my neck please. I have told them that my neck is "broken" as the disks are "desiccated" (doctor's words) and breaking down. Mama's neck is broken so don't sit on it.
The allusion is almost here.
Last night I was reading to all three and Jenna wanted to be the one at the top of the armchair and she looked at me and said, "Mama, I promise I will not break your body."
I guess for her, if the neck is broken, the body is broken.
Well, mama's body is broken in more ways than the neck. But I appreciate her understanding of the situation. The damaged neck is not the only thing damaged in this fragile vessel of mine. The body will continue to wear down.
But my soul! My heart! My hope! It continues to be resurrected -- as I grow older in body! My spirit stays young! How grateful I am for Josh, Debbie and Jenna. They are teaching me!! They teach me the Bible! Not by their earthly wisdom or experience but by their mere innocence. They see and read and hear things literally. For them, the part is the same as the whole. May this innocence of theirs last. May I, the chief of sinners, keep being able to learn from God through them and all other gifts God has bestowed mercifully on undeserving me.
Tom's message to me lately in his email'd devotions has been to exhort me to praise God first thing in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I am to praise God. Soon I will be passing along some more of Tom's devotionals.
If anyone wants to learn about continual, lifelong praise, they could read Spurgeon's The Practice of Praise. Woke up this morning and started in on it for the 2nd day and it is revitalizing my heart. Praise God in the morning ! Praise God at night! In the morning praise him for his lovingkindness; in the evening praise God for his faithfulness. He is loving AND kind; and at the end of the day (or end of our life) we see that he has indeed been faithful.
One example, it is comforting to re-read verses and passages and see that the God of my youth is the same God of my middle age. I told the kids, "I read these same passages and learned them and memorized them as a child - and they have not changed! God is faithful! he does not change!" How comforting to know that in a world that is consistently fickle. We may change our minds hour by hour or minute by minute, but He does not. He is the same. Those verses learned at age 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7, will be the same verses at midlife and later.
Lord, one of the best things you have done for me is let me help with Awanas. I am learning right along with the 3 year olds. I am sitting on the floor next to them and I look up at THEM. Little children are blessings.
Praise You Lord!
Until next time, love, Lisa

Friday, November 2, 2007

Hunger and Thirst

A mom has to be an available servant 24 hours a day. The kids have to know she is THERE. I cannot do this of my own strength. How can I fill their hungers and thirsts and needs when I have my own hungers and thirsts? But to be available for them is to love them. I heard the other night on the radio (Tony Evans) that true love is sacrifice, and it has to hurt in order for it to be love. The greatest love for us was shown to us by God's only son Jesus who gave his life up for us. that would be the essence of love. I have trouble giving up my right to myself and sacrificing it for my husband and the kids. My prayer request is that my heart would soften (Ezekiel 36:26) and become a heart of flesh rather than one of stone. My soul hungers and thirsts (Psalm 84) only God can satisfy that thirst. I seek to satisfy that thirst in a shopping trip or a zillion cups of coffee or a diet coke or not sharing my popcorn, can you believe that. But it doesn't work. No shopping trip will satisfy. No cup of coffee can satisfy. I confess I seek satisfaction in those silly things. Please pray that my heart and thirst and hungers will be satisfied with Jesus and with gladly bearing my burdens at home.
Until next time, humbly, Lisa

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Operation Christmas Child

Last night at Awanas was Christmas in October where we put together Christmas gifts for children in other countries who wouldn't get anything for Christmas were it not for this wonderful organization that sends these boxes out to them. Looking at the video from Franklin Graham, those kids from other countries who have nothing but get huge thankful grins after receivimg a shoebox full of stuff of which we donated and prepared makes you feel like you did some worthy thing for God and all else doesn't matter.

Pastor read a wonderful section from Scripture to go with this topic last night. I could not locate it but here is what I found:

Col. 3: 12-16 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Too much in here to talk about in a short time! First God loved us and forgave us no matter how bad we have been so we have no right not to forgive others and love others since he gave up his life for each of our individual sins. Love it says here brings unity which the body needs the singly and collectively. We need to get over our selves and think more of others. We need to realize what Jesus sacrificed for each of us and to stop being petty. We need to allow the fruits of the Spirit flow from us and out of us so that Jesus' character can be evident in our lives. Songs and praises sung all day long certainly help us keep these fruits in the forefront of our lives. We also need to be especially thankful for our pastor who tries his hardest to keep his flock in this godly mode. We need to put on the blanket of humility and honor others above ourselves and to model the servant heart that our Lord Jesus displayed.
Sincerely, Tom

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Psalm 84:1-5

Psalm 84: 1-5

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Selah. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage."

I do and you do long to be in heaven. However, I know that Jesus has promised that for us both so I also appreciate life here on Earth. I know Jesus has things for us to do, for us to raise up our precious children and to enjoy this life that we have right now. I also yearn for his judgement day, where the wrongs will be corrected and punished. That also means that I must die to see that or that Christ has returned. I am not overly anxious for that day since I want my children to enjoy their time here on earth. If it is his second coming that would be great both for us and our kids. It says here that we need not worry that he will provide for our needs, just as he does for the birds. Then it goes on to say that even in heaven there is constant praising to our Lord. I would imagine that after being in heaven all you would want to do is praise him especially when you know what happened to all who did not get to heaven.

I pray that we will continually get closer to Jesus and use his strength rather than rely on our own strength.

Father we praise your Holy name and thank you for all that you have given us guardianship over. Help us to have loving and giving hearts and to share our abundance with those in need. Help us know the best avenues to do that through.

Sincerely, Tom

Friday, October 26, 2007

Ask And You Shall Receive

Last night, I was doing devotions with Josh and Debbie (Jenna lurking in the background) while Tom was at Bible study. We were done with Awana verses and the daily devotional, and we were praying. Jenna started to interrupt the prayer with "Mommy mommy" and finally I had to stop the prayer and say "Jenna we are praying - shhh" and she said, "well, I need you to get these ponies to sit up in this car!" she was trying to put her little plastic ponies in her toy car and have them sit up like they were driving the car. I said, well, we are praying and you need to pray with us." So she promptly sat down, rolled her eyes, folded her hands, and before I could continue with the prayer, she sighed and said distinctly, "Dear God, PLEASE help me get these ponies to sit in this car!"
I took a quick break from praying and put the ponies in the car after I heard that one.
Love, Lisa

An Encouraging Message from Tom

Psalm 40: 1-4
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods."
Praise God for giving us a place to raise our children in safety. Thank God for our home! As safe as Stow is, it isn't our Rootstown location. The more I see the kids going through this school the more I desire to be in Rootstown. Last night I listened to Pastor Jack, a missionary, talk about his calling. My heart goes out to Pastor Jack for following his calling and leaving his young family for such a long period and in such a dangerous place to try to raise his own funds to do God's work!! But it does say blessed is the man who follows the Lord. Thank goodness that we are trying to turn from false gods, people's opinions,TV, movies, clothes, malls, things, parties, drugs, alcohol, sports etc.
Dear Father, thank you for raising us out of the slimy pit the mud and mire and thank you for showing us the rock upon which we need to place our feet on. Help us to stay on that rock and to keep our children on that rock. Praise you for your grace and your warm comfortable grasp. Help keep our eyes focused on you.
In Jesus' name, Tom

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thy Word Have I Hid in my Heart

This posting is my free advertisement for AWANAs. If you go on Wednesday night to AWANAs with your kids, and/or if you work with your kids on their verses every day, YOU will get a reward too! The kids get jewels and AWANA dollars, but they also maybe don't realize that they, and whoever is working with them, get the word of God planted in their hearts! That is better than any jewel or money! I have been helping with the Cubbies. Every week that I make it to Cubbies, I sit there transfixed as the leader shows the kids the Bible, opens it up, and says "I love my Bible - it's God's Holy Word!" and gets them excited about reading and learning the Bible. She is doing an incredible thing! I sit there and learn the verses along with the little ones because (sadly) it took me to age 45 to realize that the most important thing I can do with my mind is to fill it with Scripture's promises. I am woefully behind on my verse memorization. I need a bigger bank of verses to draw from when times get tough. I need to get more verses buried/hid in my heart, so that I might not sin against God.
When my kids easily memorize verses, it helps me to see that this is the time "NOW IS THE TIME" to bury the Word in your heart. As we get older it is harder to memorize. But that's okay and my kids are teaching me how to memorize. Debbie learned all the books of the New Testament in two weeks! How - we made a song of it, sing-song, la-di-da, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Colossians..... she learned it so fast. Then when Sunday came and the pastor said, turn to Philippians .... I sang the song to myself and found the book of Philippians much faster. Wow!
Dear Lord, this is Clergy Appreciation Month. Thank you for our Pastors, for our AWANA teachers, for our children's director, for all ministers and teachers of your Word. Thank you for leading them so that they may lead us to see your ways. Thank you for their sacrifice. They are poured-out offerings.
Until next time, Love Lisa p.s. Tom is about to join the blog here - any time soon - he will be adding his inspiring thoughts. I know you will be encouraged. He has been praying for me and sending me devotionals from the Psalms - encouraging me to PRAISE GOD in every situation! One day recently it was really, really bad at home - the puppies were pooping everywhere in the house, Jenna was being potty trained and it wasn't going very well (ahem), just a bunch of you know what everywhere - that night I said to Tom, tell me, how am I supposed to praise God that I had to deal with THAT all day today? He reminded me that, well, for one thing, these dogs give us a lot of love, they teach the kids how to be sweet and kind, they give us unconditional love, they are very forgiving, and then by sacrificing a clean house, at least our kids are AT HOME where they belong, and mom is cleaning up after them, and teaching them every step of the way. The dogs are able to run these 5 acres, the kids are able to run around outside in the fresh air, we have this incredible beautiful space to be caretakers of, and pets and children make us happy! So we clean it up and forget about it.
When you put it that way, it's not so bad.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am continuing to be flummoxed by the intellectual superiority of little children. They ask the loftiest questions! Last week in Sunday School (2 to 4 year olds) I showed the little munchkins the short video they were to watch (it was about Jesus performing miracles) and then asked them the questions that were on the curriculum list. This is always an enjoyable time and these little ones listen alot better than you'd think they would. Jenna, for instance, understood that Moses turned the river's water into blood and that he made the staff turn into a snake and then back again. She even remembered it weeks later because we had a little baby named "River" visit the nursery one day, and I said, Jenna this is River, and she said, "Oh, River turns into blood!" my oh my
anyway, last Sunday, I was asking the children questions about the video, and was trying to get them to say "miracles" - it came out "merkels" - I was pleased - and then little one little girl (age 4) just looked at me and said, "Well, just who IS God?" I stumbled over some answer, felt very foolish, and then she pressed me further: "Well, what does he LOOK LIKE?" It is so hard to answer these questions. You just feel like you won't do the question any justice. I was very close to just stopping the whole session and running and getting the Pastor to come in and ponder these questions with the kids. I said, "well, I think it's time for snack. Shall we?" Phew! Got out of that one! I felt humbled and humiliated and just so totally blessed all at the same time. These kids bring me to my KNEES.
And then there's Jenna. Last night I was reading to her at night and trying to get her to settle down and we had talked earlier about a little girl who had lost her mom and I said, I hope you and I don't ever lose each other and she said, "No, I'm not gonna lose you; you're my MOMMY and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!" and she beamed at me. She just melts my heart.
Thank you, Praise you, Dear Jesus, for these little lambs. When I look at these little angels I see You. I certainly see you alot clearer when I look at children than when I obsessively clip coupons or fastidiously check the ads for grocery store bargains. Help me to get my mind unwrapped from these worldly distractions and get back on to worshipping and praising you, The King of Kings. I see more clearly that we all tend to worship or copy or become "like" something or someone else. It is our nature to copy or conform. But "do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...." "that way you will know God's good and perfect will for you." Lord please transform my mind by what I see and what I look at and what I listen to each day. I pray that my ears and eyes and heart will be tuned into You through the Bible and through your little messengers that surround me all day long - my children.
Until next time, Lisa

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The 11th Commandment

For the past few weeks, Josh and Debbie have been memorizing the 10 commandments.
It has been going really well; we just got a little tripped up on this week's commandment. It was Debbie's turn, and she went down the line, reciting the commandments:
1) have no other gods before me
2) don't make for yourself any idol
3) do not take the name of the Lord in vain
4) Honor the Sabbath to keep it Holy
5) Honor your parents
6) Do not murder

When we got to number 7, Debbie paused, looked at me, and said, "Do not commit adoption."

I looked at her, looked at Josh, and he agreed solemnly, and said, "that's right, do not commit adoption." !

By the way how does one explain "adultery" to a five year old child ?????

Until next time, Lisa

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I just have to add this little note from yesterday. We had kind of a magical evening late yesterday while waiting for Tom to get home from his last - final - day of cross country (yay!) He is retiring from coaching as of yesterday! Anyway, that was his last meet, and it was late afternoon-early evening and we were outside waiting for him and just trying to get some exercise before the predicted rain would show up. It was very cloudy and actually kind of ominous looking but you could somehow tell the predicted rain was not going to come to fruition. Josh and Debbie were on the trampoline bouncing to their heart's content and Jenna was wheeling her little wheelbarrow around the grass, picking up grass clippings and putting them into her wheelbarrow - which, I found out later, she would end up bringing into the house and putting them on "my" easy chair so I could sit on them! arghhhhhhhhh anyway, ginger was outside with us and I guess she feels protective of Jenna or something b/c she nestled down in the grass near Jenna to watch over her. Ginger looked so peaceful and sort of "I'm doing my job and all is well." Also, "those blasted puppies are in the house for once and leaving me alone!" Jenna laid down on her back and looked up at the sky and then got up and sat next to her wheelbarrow and started putting grass in and looked at me and said, "Mom, it's a beautiful day." It was all I could do to answer, yes, my love, it is, it is a beautiful day. I think that little girl might just be an angel.
Until next time, Lisa

Monday, October 15, 2007

Grocery Store Checkout

I am about ready to boycott the grocery stores. Does the world think that we will not live a day longer if we don't read the latest on Britney, Angelina, Brad, or Jennifer? Is waiting in line at the checkout counter so unbelievably insufferable that we need to read this stuff in order to survive it? You're a captive audience, I guess is what they're thinking, and also that I better buy this magazine b/c I keep thumbing through it and am going to smudge it and that means I have to pay for it .....??? I was waiting at the dentist's office today for my appointment and all they had to read was Car and Driver, Outdoorsman, and People magazine. So I selected People - on the cover, it said, breathlessly, "Yes, she IS pregnant!" (Jennifer Lopez). I guess this is traffic-stopping news.
Yet I can't say I don't read these magazines, after all I picked it up at Dr. M's office. But they're all wrong. The good news is NOT that she is having a baby, although that is fine. The good news is that there is a Savior. But you wouldn't know that from anything you read today. I keep getting sucked in, though, by the immediacy and the urgent nature of the headlines. I MUST read this. I MUST find out what is happening with these celebrities, these important people. What if they put out a headline that said: "HE IS RISEN!" "YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"! Prob'ly wouldn't sell.
Until next time, Lisa

Jenna's Sunday School Theology

Yesterday was church, and on the way home I asked 2-yr-old Jenna, "what did you do in Sunday School today?" She replied, "We watched a movie." I said, oh, what did you learn? She said, "Well, we learned about Jesus, and his son named God."


I read yesterday that God used suffering to teach Paul dependence on Him, and also to show that individual suffering has corporate value: we can comfort others based on our own experience of being comforted by God. Christ suffered immeasurably more than anyone of us will suffer. He bore the sins for all humanity. Every last one of us! It's amazing. "Suffering" has been a watchword for me lately as I have struggled with this latest toothache. When you have pain, it seems like that's all you can think about. You just can't concentrate on anything else! You think that people can see the pain on you even though it's invisible. Help me! You cry. Help! Anything! I'll do anything to make this go away! And you're so relieved when the pain relief comes -- you're just so happy. Just think, Jesus got no relief from His pain. He was doing what God asked him to do - die for all of us. No Advil, no aspirin, no cloves, no anesthetic. I think of the desperation I feel for relief from this pain, and I can hardly imagine what Christ went through for us. Thank you Lord for bearing the sins and pain for us. Thank you for this unspeakable gift. Thank you for my toothache because the pain helped me to think on you and to meditate upon your goodness.
Until next time, Lisa

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23 For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control.

Lately my devotional readings have shed better light on this passage so that I can understand it. For example, if I do not have self-control (or patience, or kindness, whatever) it means that I do not have that fruit of the spirit. Why not? Why does one not bear fruit? Well, then you must go to: "I am the vine, you are the branches; if you abide me in me and I abide in you, then you will bear much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." So the fruit/tree/branch/root analogy applies. (some of you may be thinking, how could she have never gotten this yet? She's 45 years old!)
But sadly it's true. I am realizing now that if I am to bear fruit, which would be to be more patient, more kind, have more self control over my tongue, other areas.....I have to be truly abiding in the vine, the source of my life. I have to build strong roots. I have to be fed and watered (fed by the Word, sprinkled with the Holy Spirit). I have to allow my dead branches to be pruned (painful disciplining process but necessary). Unless the seed goes into the ground (unless self dies), it will not grow and bear fruit. This metaphor explains it so clearly but I hate it when my branches get pruned. It hurts. I don't always want to abide in the Vine b/c I'd rather do things my own way. But it's clear what the Lord says needs to happen in order to grow spiritually. We have to be obedient.
Until next time, Love, Lisa

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Jim Elliot devotional/journal

I have been reading (again) "The Journals of Jim Elliot" as part of a daily devotional time. Elisabeth Elliot edited almost in their entirety her husband's journals over the years starting with his junior year (I think) at Wheaton College. This guy was amazing. His story (their story) as you know is unbelievable. But this journal of his combines his confessions with prayers and often excellent explication and analysis of the scriptures. I recommend this book highly. He is the one who is credited with saying something to the effect of, "Blessed is he who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose." Again, our treasures are in heaven not on earth. He gave his life in order to help others find eternal life.
Until next time, Lisa

Isaiah 55:2 true nourishment

Good morning, all. Isaiah 55:2 (NASB) says "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance."
This verse hits me hard today. I don't think it is just talking about overspending our available money. I think it does refer to that, but also to how we spend our time - free time, etc. I think I have been robbing God. I need to spend more time reading His Word, praying, seeking his Will for my life and the lives of my husband and children, and investing in a future in Heaven. The treasures which I have been given -- Tom, Josh, Debbie, and Jenna - as well as my dear entire family - are worth far more than any earthly toy or book or extravagance.
For instance, some days I do not appreciate little Jenna enough. She is sometimes a little pistol and I just know that she is going to wake up any moment now because she went to bed at 5:30 pm last night - there goes my early morning "free" time. But that little girl is a treasure!
At the end of VBS (vacation bible school) this summer, one mom said that the best thing about VBS was ----- Jenna Vogt! She got to spend time w/her in the nursery and said it was a joyful time for her. Wow! My daughter blesses others! and she is only two years old!
Jesus, please forgive me for not appreciating her gifts. She is precious and ministers to others in a way that I cannot.
The other day I was talking to her and said, Jenna, "What does it say in the Bible: Though our sins be as scarlet, they will be made as white as....." and I tried to let her finish the sentence to see if she knew the answer, as she really does listen when Josh and Debbie are working on verse memorization. She looked at me and raised her arms triumphantly and answered, "GLUE!" (she had the right color - white!) I could not believe it.
Wednesday after school Logan was visiting and was having a snack with Jenna. Just for conversation, I said, Logan, how's it going? "Good." I said, How's your mom doing? "Good." I said, How's your mom's back? (Deb's back is giving her problems again). "Good." There was a short lull in this stimulating conversation and then Jenna looked at Logan and said, "How's your mom's FRONT?" ! the day before we had read "Paddington's Opposites" and I guess she learned front is the opposite of back!
Dear Lord, thank you for this precious jewel named Jenna. Thank you for all the precious jewels in this house. Help me to spend my time and money and availability and heart and emotions and spirit on them and on You instead of cheaper pursuits. For in them, I see Your face. Amen.

Until next time, Lisa

Friday, September 28, 2007

Greetings, all, and here is my first posting. I started this blog as a (hopefully better) way to communicate with friends and family members. We get really busy at times and I wanted a place to "post" thoughts and feelings and ramblings, as well as send encouragements to anyone who reads this.
We are so busy! It is so hard to homeschool when the house needs tended to, meals need to be made, laundry done, dogs barking, etc. Tom is almost done coaching cross country (middle school). He says he will retire from that position when he retires from teaching in June.
Anyway, Josh is reading some, and Debbie is working on her letters and small words, and Jenna is interested in drawing shapes and learning colors and object names.
For anyone interested in what curriculum we use, we pretty much grab ahold of whatever we can that is cheap. You'd be amazed what you can find at a yard sale or a church rummage sale. For instance I got ahold of a whole year of Saxon Math (grade 2 math) at Deb's school yard sale and that is about a hundred dollar value. I was thrilled.
Anyway, so we are settling into using Saxon Math, and "Mrs Phipps" for phonics; this is a DVD phonics program that Sue Payne gave us. It is a daily 15 minute lesson. We do one or two per day. Then we have handwriting where the kids write a Bible verse or other sentences or words; reading (try to read up to an hour a day), art class, Bible devotion time and verse memorization. The junior church leader at our church, Miss Erica, wrote a devotional book and we try to do that daily. We also have a time for science exploration - all kinds of topics - and the kids have music class on Wednesday nights (they sing in the kids choir) and Awanas. Gym time is easy as the kids jump on the trampoline and run across the yard. Josh has developed friendships with the neighbor boys (several) and they sometimes play somewhat organized games.

More later..... love, Lisa


This is just a test to see how this blogging thing works. More interesting posts later!